Tuesday, November 9, 2010

another sofa.

a sofa. 
i recently posted about our "artesianal sofa" and even though we use/love it... we are still on the look out for a sofa sofa. 
which means when i stumbled upon this photo at French By Design in her post about reusing and recreating with wooden crates... and also another DIY post over at Under The Sycamore (the pictures of which, you should really go look at) I got really excited, about us making our own sofa. I think it would go well with the apartment, and the recently hung tapestry :D 

The great addition to the bed/sofa at Under The Sycamore is that she added wheels, with stoppers. Which would be nice, because it's not just wood lying on the floor, its moveable - which would come in quite handy since we are constantly cleaning the floor which always looks dirty since it's white and I can't figure out where on earth all the dirt comes from in one day. 

We are going to undertake this task.. I'm just not sure when yet, hopefully sooner than later... but for now, I am sufficiently content with the excitement to even begin the project at all!

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